You have an existing school and feel pressed by problems of teacher attrition and/or student disengagement. Funding is scarce. Perhaps your school facility could be put into service to address your challenges, without incurring unaffordable construction costs. These research opportunities address facility-based contributions to your issues.

Study 1

Research Question: How do teachers react to a school model that gives them professional workspace in communities of practice instead of a private classroom?

Participant Criteria: Teachers with a wide spectrum of experience and years in the teaching profession, currently employed by your school.

Minimum group size: 12

Time commitment: 25 minute anonymous survey

Cost: Free

Benefits: Schools are eligible to receive a 20% discount on all study materials, including a detailed workbook demonstrating how to implement the educational ecosystem at your existing school.

Study 2

Research Question: How do stakeholders in an existing school suffering from teacher attrition and student disengagement re-imagine their existing school facility using Communities of Practice and the Educational Ecosystem?

Participant Criteria: Stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, administration, district staff, and school board) with a wide spectrum of experience and years in education.

Minimum group size: 50

Time commitment: This is a three day, in-person, community event:

Day 1. Administration interview (1 hour).
Day 2. Teachers & Administration Participatory Design Workshop (2 hours).
Day 3. Students, Teachers & Administration Participatory Design Workshop (2 hours)

Cost: Printing and travel costs only. There is no fee for this study.

Benefits: Your community receives a galvanizing 3-day master class in collective re-imagination. A complete report of the proceedings will summarize findings and detail concrete next-steps responsive to the results. By offering an innovative perspective, this study may be of particular interest to schools in legacy 20th century buildings, schools already faced with renovations and additions, and school districts considering new construction.

Each study is executed with transparency and accountability to your values and goals of paramount importance. If the transformative potential inherent in these innovative ideas interests you, please consider scheduling an introductory conversation:

Book an Appointment

We’ll give you a brief overview of the study you are interested in, answer any questions and confirm your interest in receiving more detailed explanatory information via email. We have reserved Friday afternoons for these conversations. After you select a time below, please answer a few questions to make our conversation more substantive.


The following pamphlets give you an overview of the ideas that anchor our research.
Click on the image to read the document with our compliments on Issuu: